Free Energy-Saver Guide
Offshore Wind Project
Tide-Powered Charging Station
The Town of Hull created the Clean Energy Climate Action Committee [C.E.C.A.C.] at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting with the purpose of formulating an actionable plan to bring Hull to 100% renewable energy by the year 2030.
We have an ever-growing list of tips and resources to reduce your carbon footprint with little effort or financial output.
The Committee, along with other State & Federal municipalities, are working together to research and identify the capabilities and benefits of installing an offshore wind farm just off the coast of Hull, MA. More info on our research and findings will be available soon.
JUST ANNOUNCED: 10/14/21 MA Proposes $750M Offshore Wind Energy Investment |
The U.S. Dept. of Energy's office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy awarded 12 companies with Phase 1 funding to test & develop water-powered technologies. Aegis Technology, Inc. of Santa Ana, CA. was one of the grant recipients, and together with the Clean Energy Client Action Committee, are bringing the first tidal energy-powered charging station of its kind in the United States to Hull, MA. Initial launch of Phase 1 is slated to be installed Spring of 2022.
2021 C.E.C.A.C. Survey Results Are In!
You spoke. We listened.
Thank you to our follow residents of Hull, MA. for filling out the
2021 Clean Energy Climate Action Survey.
Your feedback directly benefits in our understanding of how we can meet our collective goal of
reducing our emissions to net zero by 2030.
Thank you to our follow residents of Hull, MA. for filling out the
2021 Clean Energy Climate Action Survey.
Your feedback directly benefits in our understanding of how we can meet our collective goal of
reducing our emissions to net zero by 2030.
Recommended Documentary:
The Human Element
C.E.C.A.C. was involved with a few advance screenings of this powerful and visually stunning documentary by legendary photographer and documentarian, James Balog. We highly recommend watching this eyeopening documentary. |